When I was in high school, I focussed on my grades ALL THE TIME. Yes, I hung out with friends and went on holiday, etc, etc, but I never really put in any effort into understanding myself and knowing what I really enjoy doing. This made it really difficult when I graduated high school and had no idea where I wanted to go next.
High school is a time when you can learn about yourself, not just get good grades. There are many ways of doing this, as I would later discover- here are just a couple:
Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, help out others and hopefully learn something about yourself. Often, there are also many different volunteering opportunities, so you’re almost guaranteed to be able to do something you really enjoy! If you’re into animals, you might want to volunteer at your local animal shelter, if you’re into airplanes, there may just be an opportunity at the airport!
Getting a part time job
A job takes up a lot of time (even if it is part time), but you’re bound to learn new skills, find out what you enjoy (and don’t enjoy) and even make some money on the side! After you graduate, you’ll already have some money saved up and skills to take into the workforce or just your everyday life (depending on what you choose to do after school!). So keep your eye out for hiring shops, ask around or jump on the internet and do a quick Google search!

Getting serious about a sport/hobby
Spending time on something that interests you a lot will help you to relax (much needed) during stressful times. It might also lead you to a career that you would like to get serious about later in your life! You may enjoy soccer, or maybe writing or growing plants . You never know what your hobbies will lead you to!
Starting a blog/ youtube channel/ Instagram
Starting a blog, youtube channel or even an Instagram in high school will teach you a lot about different things and you may even end up earning some money! You may realise that you really enjoy marketing your platform, or writing articles- this can help you decide what you may want to do after school! Make sure that you focus on something that really interests you- otherwise, you might give up after a few days!

Starting an Etsy/ Ebay store
Making products or reselling items can teach you a lot about many areas- from negotiation to marketing to the physical making of products. It will give you the opportunity to put a lot of time into building something that you really enjoy. Here are just a couple of ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
Grow and sell succulents
Make and sell jewellery
Buy items in bulk and sell them for a higher prices
Sell your photography/ art